About San Agustin - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
San Agustin recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about San Agustin, Gran Canaria
San Agustin was in a rocky area and encourage all those who seek a quieter area than Playa del Ingles.
The resort is lined bungalows, hotels and apartments, surrounded by beautiful gardens. Almost all are overlooking the mountain.
Alley Las Flores lies on a sandy beach, which is of volcanic origin. Near the alley behind bars tourists, restaurants, a shopping center with shops and a casino.
Transfer by bus from the airport takes about 30 minutes.
San Agustin | San Agustin was in a rocky area and encourage all those who seek a quieter area than Playa del Ingles.
The resort is lined bungalows, hotels and apartments, surrounded by beautiful gardens. Almost all are overlooking the mountain
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