About Santa Eulalia Del Rio Ibiza - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Santa Eulalia Del Rio Ibiza recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Santa Eulalia Del Rio Ibiza, Ibiza
Santa Eulalia is a pretty, atmospheric little town about nine miles (14km) north of the island's capital, much favoured by tourists because of its proximity to some of the best beaches and for its scenic setting.
The town is situated on the estuary of the only river in the Balearic Islands, overlooked by the Puig de Missa, a fortress-church, sited on a hilltop view site.
Another attraction in Santa Eulalia is the Sant Carles settlement a few kilometres to the north: the last true 'hippy' commune on Ibiza island remaining from the 1960s when hippy cultists flocked here. The famous Ibiza northern beaches like Aigues Blanques and Cala Llonga, can be reached by bus or boat from the town.
Santa Eulalia Del Rio Ibiza | Santa Eulalia is a pretty, atmospheric little town about nine miles (14km) north of the island's capital, much favoured by tourists because of its proximity to some of the best beaches and for its scenic setting
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