About Santa Ponsa - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The town and resort of Santa Ponsa is located in the western part of the island of Mallorca, on the gulf with the same name.
Unlike most nearby resorts, Santa Ponsa boasts a rich history that has its beginnings in the Roman Empire, during which the city was founded Santa Ponsa, who has kept the name over the centuries.
Santa Ponsa they attract tourists not only by its rich history, unusual places as the beauty, beach 1300 m long and 100 m wide, calm and comfortable atmosphere that prevails in the resort throughout the season.
It should be noted that Santa Ponsa is a favorite of Irish. Around 80% of those who spend their vacations here in the summer months, wine is from Ireland, making the atmosphere of many bars, restaurants, be similar to the Irish. Sometimes you feel like you're not on Mallorca, but the very center of Dublin.
Along the beach of Santa Ponsa spanned a wide chain of hotels, apartments, shops, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Capital of the island is located just 20 km away.
You could say Santa Ponsa is no less important, in terms of entertainment, than other resorts on the island.
Santa Ponsa | The town and resort of Santa Ponsa is located in the western part of the island of Mallorca, on the gulf with the same name.
Unlike most nearby resorts, Santa Ponsa boasts a rich history that has its beginnings in the Roman Empire, during which the city was founded Santa Ponsa, who has kept the name over the centuries
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