About Santa Susana - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
St Susanna recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (10 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Santa Susana, Costa Brava
Santa Susana is located on the Costa Brava in Lloret de Mar 14km south and 65km from Barcelona.
Finding himself in front of forested hills, Santa Susannna offers both an authentic old town and modern resort with many facilities.
Santa Susanna resort beaches have a length of 2 km and are close to Malgrat de Mar, located on the north-east. Consists of sand and gravel beaches, sand coves, sun loungers and umbrellas are finding fully.
The old fortified town of Santa Susanna is full of cobblestone streets and painted houses, Catalan and restaurants offering local handicrafts shops.
Range, with all facilities, Montnegre Natural Park, along with a modern holiday center with hotels, campsites, holiday homes, transforming the area into one of the best holidays.
Silence resort of Santa Susanna (Costa Maresme, Spain), and markets its maritime passages invite the traveler to long rides, but also various cultural and sports activities.
Easy access to Barcelona on the motorway and railway is a real advantage for the tourists who visit the Spanish metropolis with its attractions.
Santa Susanna is a resort well suited for families with children because it offers a wealth of entertainment for them: outdoor performances for children, baby-sitters who speak several foreign languages, special areas for children in restaurants, supervisors in areas playground, children's bracelets identifying, marking hazards, disponibiliatati adapted infant seats, infant beach clubs.
Santa Susana | Santa Susana is located on the Costa Brava in Lloret de Mar 14km south and 65km from Barcelona.
Finding himself in front of forested hills, Santa Susannna offers both an authentic old town and modern resort with many facilities
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