About Santander - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Santander recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Santander, Cantabria region
Santander is located on the north coast of Spain and is a seaside resort heated by the sun and protected by mountains from cold winds from the north, is protected and the largest natural harbor in the Cantabrian Sea.
Santander is also a seaside destination in the Basque region has always rivaled by San Sebastian located to the east, but failed to gain supremacy. However, Santander is a major tourist center and the former royal residence.
Most tourists who come to Santander headed to the famous El Sardinero beach - actually a resort in itself, located 2.5 km from downtown Santander. Along the coast of Santander are prehistoric ruins, remains of maritime activities and mineral Romans, and later those of the convent of San Emeterio, who gave the name origin of the capital of Cantabria, and the place where today's Cathedral.
Santander city links with the sea are mostly from commercial and fishing, and tourism, due to its beautiful landscapes and beaches and mild weather.
Santander is a dynamic city with an intense commercial activity and offers many services. Because of this, the city enjoys a rich and intense cultural life all year round. Palacio de Festivales has a rich and quality in any period of year (season of theater, dance, opera, music) which has its peak during the summer when the Santander International Festival takes place.
Santander cultural panorama is enriched with contributions from theatrical, artistic and literary by other institutes. Deserve mention Cantabrian Maritime Museum and Hall of exhibitions and performances and modern, of course, golf club Mataleñas.
Santander city offers splendid conditions for the promenade along the sea, from Cabo Mayor Sardinero him, from here to La Magdalena, and then to the center on Avenida Reina Victoria, contemplating the beaches and bays, around the historic center of Santander, from Puertochico up Calle Burgos, alternating with the views state buildings Alor best shops.
Santander | Santander is located on the north coast of Spain and is a seaside resort heated by the sun and protected by mountains from cold winds from the north, is protected and the largest natural harbor in the Cantabrian Sea
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