About Torremolinos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Torremolinos recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (9 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Torremolinos, Costa Del Sol
Torremolinos is the cradle of the oldest civilizations in the Mediterranean and also one of the main destinations on the Costa del Sol.
History has left no legacy in Torremolinos corners full of local color, and sailor in the district and many vestiges of the past, Carihuela rich.
In the 1920 Torremolinos was a fishing village, but was quickly taken by the tourist industry. The number of inhabitants is 43,000, but during the peak growing season and up to 250,000.
Attractions include beaches and pedestrian Calle San Miguel Avenue, which is lined by shops and stretches from downtown to the beach.
The first written evidence of the existence of Torremolinos town dates from 1489, when the Catholic Kings decided to repopulate the area. Several years later, in 1502, returned Torremolinos Málaga capital. On the coast were built several castles and towers on the lookout, to provide protection. Castle Santa Clara was one of the most important castles in the eighteenth century.
Torremolinos | Torremolinos is the cradle of the oldest civilizations in the Mediterranean and also one of the main destinations on the Costa del Sol.
History has left no legacy in Torremolinos corners full of local color, and sailor in the district and many vestiges of the past, Carihuela rich
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