About Tossa De Mar - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tossa de Mar is a resort located on the Costa Brava in Catalonia, about 33 km north of Barcelona and 100 km south of the border with France.
Tossa de Mar is a splendid town with cobbled streets, a magnificent ancient castle, spectacular mountains and valleys full of vegetation.
Until the development of village tourism in all major occupations were farming and fishing. Fishing is practiced today in some measure a few families in town.
History and art town Tossa de Mar (Costa Brava, Spain) joins the traditional flavor of a city sailor. Thus, in Vila Nova district, which stretches along the beach, most focuses offers leisure and holiday hotels, aparthotels, restaurants, terraces.
Pleasant temperatures and a multitude of diverse landscapes give tourists the possibility to spend leisure time in contact with nature. Crystalline waters of the Mediterranean Sea and wealth subacvaica pacticarea invite tourists to a variety of water sports.
Tossa de Mar beaches are ideal for the whole family, unlike other resorts such as Lloret de Mar, which are like young revelers. 14 km long coast is composed of quiet coves, golden beaches, which offer facilities for water sports and other entertainment activities.
Area includes the specific foods cuisine coastal zone, and within the peninsula, combining traditional and innovative recipes.
Tossa De Mar | Tossa de Mar is a resort located on the Costa Brava in Catalonia, about 33 km north of Barcelona and 100 km south of the border with France.
Tossa de Mar is a splendid town with cobbled streets, a magnificent ancient castle, spectacular mountains and valleys full of vegetation
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