About Valladolid - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Valladolid is a city in Spain, located in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon.
Valladolid is the capital of the province and Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon, the court was also established between 1601 and 1606 castelliane capital of the Spanish Empire until it was moved to Madrid.
Valladolid city name origin is not yet clear in the past it was thought that comes from Valley Olite Valledolit or a wealthy city that supposedly held, but this theory has fallen.
Another possibility would be the Valley of Olives, but taking into account the extreme climate is very unlikely that there were considerable quantities of oil in the area.
The exact origin of the phrase seems to be from Celtic tolitum Vallis (Water Valley), because the rivers pass through town and Esgueva Pisuerga, which before the sewage is spread on different branches.
On the other hand, there is one last theory Valladolid Valle lid as the place where they gather for pre-Roman tribes, clans and armed clashes.
The city is rich in old churches, museums and monuments and is famous for its university, which was founded in the 13th century and is the oldest after Salamanca.
The city is also well placed for one day trips to fascinating historical center of Salamanca, Segovia and Burgos.
Valladolid | Valladolid is a city in Spain, located in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon.
Valladolid is the capital of the province and Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon, the court was also established between 1601 and 1606 castelliane capital of the Spanish Empire until it was moved to Madrid
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