About Zaragoza - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Zaragoza recieved a rating of 3.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Zaragoza, Aragon
Zaragoza is the capital of the province of the same name and the Spanish autonomous community of Aragon.
Although it is the fifth largest city in Spain, midway between Madrid and Barcelona, is one of the most popular with tourists. But if you take the time necessary to cross the ancient streets you will discover a fascinating history and truly monumental buildings.
Zaragoza city name comes from the Roman town Caesaraugusta, name given in honor of the emperor Julius Caesar Augustus.
Specifics of the city because here we give evidence of four different cultures coexist in this town of diversity: Romanian Zaragoza, Zaragoza Christian, Moorish Zaragoza (Arabic) and Zaragoza Jewish.
For every important moment of the past remained representative buildings. Thus, we can admire the old Romanian town, even today, Foro, Murallas, Puerto River, and Termas de Caesaraugusta Teatro Romano. Some of them have been discovered recently, which causes them to be surrounded by all kinds of buildings and new houses.
People here are known for their friendliness and hospitality, Aragonese cuisine is downright excellent, and most importantly, because the city is not so much marked by the rest of tourism destinations in Spain, kept more Hispanics than other cities known or coastal resorts.
Like the more famous Santiago de Compostela (third place of Catholic pilgrimage, after Jerusalem and Rome), Zaragoza is an important destination for religious pilgrims for centuries, have come here to worship the Basilica of Nuestra Senor del Pilar. Cathedral, which dates back centuries. XVI, owes its name from the river Ebro pillar on which the Virgin Mary was shown repeatedly St. James, commanding him to build a church.
One of the things they most proud of Zaragoza is born as one of the most respected painters of all time, Francisco de Goya, who was considered the father of modern art.
Currently, the city of Zaragoza is divided in two by the river Ebro, with many bridges, Puente de Piedra, Puente de Hierro, the Almozara Puente.
Zaragoza | Zaragoza is the capital of the province of the same name and the Spanish autonomous community of Aragon.
Although it is the fifth largest city in Spain, midway between Madrid and Barcelona, is one of the most popular with tourists
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