About El Puig - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
El Puig recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about El Puig, Valencia Region
The municipality comprises three main areas, the first being the village itself, which is dominated by a monastery and two large wooded hills next to it, the largest of which has the ruins of a castle fortress. Initially, however, there was another hill called La Pedrera (that is, the Stone Quarry) that gradually disappeared during the twentieth century to make way for the V-21 highway, the rock being used to build one of the dams in the port of Valencia. The second section is the coastal area of 4 km from the beach, with eight housing developments, which are generally inhabited only in summer; and finally, there is an industrial park located between them.
The village is well connected, with direct access to the V-21 Valencia highway to Barcelona and a short distance from the A-7 Valencia. There is also the RENFE C-6 Valencia local train service to Castellón de la Plana from the village every half hour and an hourly bus service to Valencia via El Puig beach.
El Puig became a symbolic location for the valentines when it was conquered by James I of Aragon in 1237 at the battle of Puig. The reason why the biggest hill was called montaña la pata (mountain foot) was, as legend has it, that when James I of Aragon reached the top with his horse, they saw the city of Valencia in the distance, his horse then lifted to his two hind legs and with his two front legs he pushed with such force that the water sprung from the ground and one of his horse shoes entered the hill.
El Puig | Puig d'Enesa or El Puig de Cebolla), is a village located 15 km north of the city of Valencia in the region Horta Nord, Spain. Its name means "hill" in Valencian).
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